型號或零件編號: 345793
Cd20 pe is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in the identification of cells expressing cd20 antigen, using a bd facs brand flow cytometer;the flow cytometer must be equipped to detect light scatter and the appropriate fluorescence, and be equpped with appropriate analysis software (such as bd cellquest or bd lysys ii software) for data acquisition and analysis;each reagent is supplied in phosphate-buffered saline (pbs) containing gelatin and 0.1 % sodium azide;the antibody reagent is stable until the expiration date shown on the label when stored at 2 to 8 degree celsius;reagents can be used for immunophenotyping by flow cytometry with a variety of speciment types, including peripheral blood, bone marrow aspirates of biopsies, and other body fluids or tissues;each type of specimen can have different storage conditions and limitations that should be considered prior to collection and analysis
工廠新材料、新材料、新剩餘、大修、可維修、可維修和 AS 移除/使用過的材料將附有合格證書,以及任何其他檔/痕跡(如適用)。我們有 7 年的保留記錄。
我們致力於品質,並遵循AS9120品質管理體系。AeroBase Group 已通過 HAZMAT 認證,並在 DDTC、ITAR 和航空供應商協會 (ASA) 註冊。所有產品均經過100%檢查。
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Grouping Reagents Blood
Pharmaceutical Preparations
Grouping Reagents Blood
法典 | 定義 |
FN | 全新出廠。由當時的 OEM 製造的零件,包括製造商認證。 |
NE | 新增功能。OEM 製造的零件。可能包括製造商認證或公司認證。 |
NS | 新的盈餘。從多餘庫存中購買的新物料。 |
OH | 大修。產品已由維修店 (MRO) 根據製造商的規格進行重建和測試。 |
SV | 可維修產品 |
AR | 已刪除。從飛機或平臺上拆下的產品,對部件的功能沒有保證。 |
RP | 修。產品可以通過 MRO 進行維修,並獲得 FAA 8130 或 EASA Form 1 認證。 |
零件編號 | RNVC | RNAAC | DAC | 籠 |
345793 | 2 | 9Z | 4 | 0GKS0 |
名字 | 項目數 | |||
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