MIL-STD-130 Fastening Devices

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NSN 5325-01-538-2909 Retaining Ring


Part no sg-a-020 is stenciled in 0.3 inch high letters on part iaw mil-std-130

NSN 5325-01-495-3816 Cam Fastener


Identify per mil-std-130 01365-9708a1796

NSN 5325-01-175-4262 Retaining Ring


Head is flat 0.721 diameter 0.0938 thick and 0.585 diameter by0.045 step,head has 6-0.073 holes thru equally spaced on 0.430 diameter bolt circle and 15 degree angle to center-line;identify per mil-std-130

NSN 5325-00-839-9260 Screw Thread Insert


Head is flat 0.721 diameter 0.0938 thick and 0.585 diameter by0.045 step,head has 6-0.073 holes thru equally spaced on 0.430 diameter bolt circle and 15 degree angle to center-line;identify per mil-std-130


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